Friday, 17 February 2012

Planning the shots for Spring time.

Planning plays a big part in the photography that I do.   The weather plays a big part in the photography that I do, being out doors all the time.  As in the winter shots that I took, I took advantage that it had been snowing the day before and took the opportunity the following day to get the shots that were required.  

With the snow coming down so quickly I thought it best to get out there and get some quality shots in, as the weather changes so quickly.  Glad that I did as I went out with the intension of filling a 8 gig card with quality images and then downloading and sorting them out.  It looks like the snow as gone for the year along with the hard frost that I require. 

Planning for the Spring?  I have invested in a Sigma 70mm Macro lens to go with my Sony 450 Camera.  I have been using a Sigma 50mm Macro lens on the Nikon system, but have decided to get a lens for the Sony system.  

I plan to photograph buds and plants that are just beginning to open plus the blossom of certain trees.  These could taken on the way to work as there some large and lovely trees in the park and I noticed last year how the blossom looked when it started coming out.  I will also go to Calke Abbey, and if I get the opportunity I will go up to Monsal head.  

The equipment that I shell be using will be a Sony 450 body, 70mm Sigma Lens 2.8, tripod, Monopod and various filters for the camera body.

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