Thursday, 23 February 2012

Images of spring/Winter time past 2011. Close-up Macro. The shots that give me inspiration to do more.

These are some of the images that I took last year while I was out, I shell be looking to repeat some of these for this course.  I shell be getting all new images for the winter shots as well as the Spring shots, as I feel that this is important to get out and get new shots.  These sort of shots give me more inspiration to do more than looking at picture's in books or magazines, as I have produced them.  I do sometimes look in magazines at images and compare them, but it is essential to get out there and take images.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/160 ISO 400 50mm Macro lens Monopod Used.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/100 ISO 100 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/200 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

Camera Settings: F8 Shutter Speed 1\125 ISO 200 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

Camera Settings: F8 Shutter Speed 1/125 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter speed 1/125 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/500 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/400 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter speed 1/250 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/30 ISO 200 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used. 

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