Thursday, 9 February 2012

Assignment 307 Location Photography. Introduction to close up / Macro. Changing Seasons Winter/Spring.

In this assignment I intend to capture images of the changing seasons.  I intend to capture 10 Winter pictures, these will be close-up / Macro shots.  Then I will attempt to capture 10 images in spring time.  I will not do any open view shots as I intend to keep them close or Macro if this is possible in the time span that I have, the winter will be my only problem if the weather starts to get milder and the frost disappears all together.  (You never know with the British weather.)

At the moment we have the Wintertime with us, so I shell be able to get the shots that I require and hope the weather holds.  I will then hopefully go on to capture the Spring shots that are required as the weather should be getting warmer and the plant life should start to sprout and develop as the weather gets warmer.

I intend to go out early in the mornings so as to capture the best shot as the light is some times better then.  I intend to go to Calke Abbey and Lake Albert or even on my way to work as I walk across the wet lands going to work.  This all depends on the weather for the winter shots and of course the degree of frosts that we get so as to capture the cold weather close up.  I do not intend to do any large format shots, but keep to close up shots and use the camera controls not photo shop.

I do intend to observe the country code of practise were it is appropriate and of course the Health and Safety aspect of keeping safe? ( Would hate to be eaten by a lion for not wearing my hard hat, visi-vest and boots or tripping over a cable in the middle of a field.)

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