Saturday, 18 February 2012

Adam Burton Photographer (Landscape)

Adam Burton is one of the UKs leading landscape photographers and author of four books. Since 2008 he has been working as a full time professional landscape photographer, regularly supplying imagery and undertaking commissions for a wide range of business clients.

He has photographed five of the seven continents and now specialises in the landscapes of the UK, particularly Southwest England.

Photographic background

Adam first began teaching himself photography in 2001, mainly from reading magazines and then putting into practice techniques while on location either in the New Forest or along the Dorset coastline. This informal training enabled Adam to develop a unique style that continue to make his photographs instantly recognisable and highly in demand. His knowledge is entirely self taught; he has never received any formal photographic training.

Professional career

Ever since Adam first began taking photography seriously, his images have been in demand commercially. Since 2004 his images have been published regularly in national newspapers and magazines, as well as in books, greeting cards and calendars. Over this time he has worked for many large and prestigious organisations, supplying imagery and undertaking commissions for companies including British Petroleum, The AA, The Times and National Geographic.

Approach to photography

Adam favours the rich colours of dawn and dusk when natural light is at its most special. He uses equipment to enable him to capture magical moments authentically at the picture taking stage, rather than relying on computer enhancements afterwards.

Although he now shoots exclusively digitally, his beginnings in film photography engendered a strong desire to record the landscape at its natural best, and nothing more. As a result Adam’s photography captures authentic and natural moments in time, free from computer manipulation.


A brief summary of Adams major achievements to date is listed below:
Wanderlust (Landscape) Photographer of the Year 2006
Author of 4 books; The Dorset Coast (2008), A Year on Exmoor (2010) and Brecon Beacons (2011 - all published by Frances Lincoln) and A Portrait of Southampton (2009 - published by Halsgrove)
Images published on the covers of more than 100 magazines, books and calendars.
Commended entries in the Take-a-View Landscape Photographer of the Year competition for 5 years in succession, receiving 2 Highly Commended and 10 Commended awards. One of only 4 photographers to have achieved entries in every book and exhibition that has accompanied the prestigious competition since it began.

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