Friday, 17 February 2012

My 16 images of Spring Close-up/Macro.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/125 ISO 100 Lens Sigma 50mm Macro Mono pod used.

Was going to go out with the new lens but had a problem with the camera body so I had to have it fixed.  But pleased with this shot that I took up at Calke abbey.  This ever green leaf was lying on a wall with some rain drops on it, managed to get a nice close up of the leaf and the rain drop so really pleased with the out come can't wait to start using the new lens as it is a better and can get in closer  from distance. 

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/400 ISO 400 Lens Sigma 70mm Macro Mono pod tilt head used.

This is a sign that spring is around the corner when these beautiful little flowers are out.  Went out on the Sunday morning with the intentions of getting some shots of these. Pleased with the shot that I took.

Camera Settings: F16 Shutter Speed 1/125 ISO 400 Lens Sigma 50mm Macro Tripod used.

This shot was taken at Calke Abbey early one morning by the river edge.  These are forgetmenot's  and are a beautiful small flower. 

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/30 ISO 200 Lens Sigma 70mm Macro Mono pod Used.

This is the start of a Rose starting to open up that's in my garden.  Like the detail of the leafs that are starting open captured it well and I am pleased with the shot.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/125 ISO 200 Lens Sigma 50mm Macro Mono pod Used.

This is a good sign that spring is on its way when these beautiful little flowers are in bloom.  These are crocus's flower's and this is a sure sign that the weather should be getting warmer and the buds of flowers and trees are beginning to open up.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/160 ISO 200 Lens Sigma 50mm Macro Mono pod Used.

This shot was taken at Stapenhill Gardens, and is the blossom of a cherry tree.  These do look beautiful when they are in blossom.  Pleased with the shot as it was quite windy when I took this but love the colours of the tree.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/50 ISO 200 Lens Sigma 70mm Macro Mono pod Used.

This was taken at a house close to Calke Abbey.  It was in someones garden just before you get the car park.  It is the blossom coming out prior to the tree budding and looks beautiful when in blossom.

Camera Settings: F22 Shutter Speed 1/6 ISO 200 Lens Sigma 70mm Macro Beanbag Used.

This was taken on a wall that was full of moss.  The plant is only 10mm high thought this would make a nice shot.  Pleased with the out come. 

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/100 ISO 200 Lens Sigma 50mm Macro Mono pod Used.

This shot that I took while out walking one Sunday afternoon.  I saw the colour of these leaves and took the shot with the rain drop on it.  Pleased with the shot and the colours.

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/400 ISO 200 Lens Sigma 70mm Macro Mono pod Used.

This shot was taken at the road side near Dims dale.  I saw these small Hawthorne bushes in bloom and thought I would take the photo.  Pleased with the shot. 

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/100 ISO 200 Lens Sigma 50mm Macro Tripod Used.

This was taken outside my House set the tripod up aft it had been raining.  Pleased with the shot.

Camera Settings:  F8 Shutter Speed 1/250 ISO 200 Lens 50mm Sigma Macro Hand held.

This was taken close to where I live.  Just walking down the road from where I live and spotted this Hawthorne bush after it had rained.  The sun was breaking through and managed to get this shot .  Pleased with the shot.

Camera Settings:  F8 Shutter Speed 1/60 ISO 200 Lens 70mm Sigma Macro Mono pod Used.

This was taken at Calke Abbey and shows the process of a Chestnut Tree starting to shot out.  I will follow the progress of these thought out the year as I will be taking more photo's as the tree develops into a full grown Conker tree

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/500 ISO 400 50mm 1.7 Lens Hand held.

This is what the above shot should look like in a few months.

Camera settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/160 ISO 200 70mm Sigma Macro Lens Mono pod Used.

This was taken early one Sunday morning, as you can see there is the morning dew forming a drop.  Pleased with this shot.  I do like the lighting at the bottom of the drop. 

Camera settings: F2.8 Shutter Speed 1/250 ISO 200 70mm Sigma Macro Lens Mono pod Used.

This was taken at about the same time and place as the shot above.  This is only 3mm high and was on the top of a wall.  This took some time to compose the shot as it was a little awkward to set the camera up and hold it but, pleased with the out come.

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