Friday, 10 February 2012

13 Winter Shots, close-up/Macro.

Camera Settings;  F14 Shutter Speed 1/60 ISO 200 50mm Macro lens Monopod used.

Using selective focusing to blur some of the back ground out and isolate the frozen berries.  Used the back ground so as to show my point I made in the introduction about using the camera controls.

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/350 ISO 200 50mm Macro lens Monopod used.

This I saw while walking around a local lake.  Thought this would make a nice photo, had to lie down and get close to this dying leaf.  Tried to get the frozen detail of the leaf and it looks like that I achieved this, and I am pleased with the out come of the shot.

Camera Setting:  F18 Shutter Speed 1/30 ISO 200 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

This frozen leaf I saw while out at Calke Abbey.  Again had to lie down and set the camera up close too the leaf.  Captured the detail on the leaf and I am pleased with the result I do love doing this sort of photography it different and very pleasing.

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/100 ISO 200 50mm Macro Lens Monopod bean bag used.

This is a piece of fern that was lying on a bench, thought it would make a nice photo.  This was differcult to take, as it was mainly white and very difficult for the camera to focus and get a reading correctly.  But pleased with the result.

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/500 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Bean bag used.

I saw this frozen leaf on top of wall thought I take a shot of this at a low level as to capture the small bits of grass that was growing around it.  Pleased with this shot I think the colours look good and natural.

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/45 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

This shot was taken at Calke Abbey, I went with the intention of getting a shot of some of these small mushroom like plants.  These are only 10mm high and covered in small moss, managed to capture the frost on the mushroom and I am pleased with the shot.  Had to get close to it and wedge the camera agains a small tree to get the shot.

Camera Settings:  F3.5 Shutter Speed 1/45 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Tripod used.

Saw this plant at Lake Albert close to the waters edge.  Set the tripod up and got close in to get the detail of the frozen leaf.  This is a straight forward shot but it again this shows that you are in control of the camera.

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/8 ISO 400 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

This is avery small plant about 5mm high had to get in close and wedge the camera up.  Almost touching the plant.  Should have took the 2+converter so as not to get on top of the plant but, pleased with the out come.  Captured the frost on the plant and it looks cold.

Camera Settings:  F14 Shutter Speed 1/50 ISO 200 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

This I saw in some ones garden on the way back from Lake Albert.  Stopped and liked the snow the snow on the small plant.  Lowed the Monopod and framed the shot.  Pleased with the out come. 

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/500 ISO 200 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

Just walking home from a day out, saw this at the side of the road like the colours and the little bit of snow on the leaf.   Took the shot and am pleased with the out come again used the controls of the camera which makes a very effective photo.

amera Settings: F5.0 Shutter Speed 1/640 ISO 200 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

This shot was taken in by neighbours garden, she has lots of evergreen plants.  Like how the snow as settled on the plant which shows some leaves and now.  Like the colours as well.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/640 ISO 200 50mm Macro Lens Monopod Used.

This was taken while while walking round Lake Albert.  Like the colours to this shot and how the berries are hanging down with the frost and snow on them. 

Camera Settings:  F22 Shutter Speed 0.7 18 - 70 Wide angle Lens Tripod used. 

This shot was taken at Calke Abbey,  Set the tripod up as this was going to be a slow shutter speed as to capture the water in slow motion.  Not that there was a lot of water running as this was mostly frozen but, pleased with the shot looks cold.

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