Friday, 2 March 2012

Planning the shots for Spring time this weekend 3rd March 2012.

This weekend I plan on going to Baslow.  This is a walk that I do most years, it around five miles and takes in some very scenic views.  I plan on taking the Sony 450 body plus 70mm Sigma Macro lens and a 18-50mm wide angle lens.   My aim is to capture close ups of plants that are just shooting or that have just opening within a couple of days. 

It may be to early at the moment but, it should be a good day out and a good walk.  I will just have to wait and see what the weather brings and see what shots I come back with.  

The weather was not very good and it was throwing it down with rain, so I came home early.  The sun did come out in the afternoon so I was able togo out side and take a few shots.  This is a selection of them.

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