Sunday, 18 March 2012

Photo's taken for course this weekend 17th 18th March close-up.

These are some photo's that I took during the weekend when I went to Calke Abbey and Lake Albert.  These were taken with the Sony 450 and the Nikon 200.  Both with the Macro lens fitted.

This was taken in my back garden and shows the blossom coming out.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/125 ISO 200 50mm Sigma Macro Lens Monopod used.

This was taken on a wall at Calke Abbey, I like this as the flower is only 2mm and I had to get close to the subject.

Camera Settings:  F2.8 Shutter Speed 1/400 ISO 200 50mm Sigma Macro Lens Hand held.

This is the blossom of the tree in my back garden.

Camera Settings: F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/90 ISO 200 50mm Sigma Macro Lens Monopod used.

This was taken at Calke Abbey and was on top of a wall.  Pleased with the shot as the flower is only about 5mm high.

Camera Settings:  F22 Shutter Speed 1/6 ISO 200 70mm Sigma Macro Lens Beanbag used.

This also was taken at the same time as the shot above again very pleased with the shot.

Camera Settings:  F22 Shutter Speed 1/5 ISO 200 70mm Sigma Macro Lens Beanbag used.

Again taken Calke Abbey, this was in someones garden close to Calke.  Please with the shot.

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/50 ISO 200mm 70mm Sigma Macro Lens Monopod used.

This was taken in my back garden Saturday morning 17th March.

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/100 ISO 200 50mm Sigma Macro Lens Monopod used.

Again taken in my back garden on Saturday morning 17th March.

Camera Settings: F32 Shutter Speed 1/4 ISO 200 50mm Sigma Macro Lens Monopod used.

This was taken close to where I live.  Just walking home from a walk a noticed this very colourful leaf.  This is a very colourful little bush and the colours are beautiful, and the drop of water that's on the leaf sets this shot up nice..

Camera Settings:  F5.6 Shutter Speed 1/100 ISO 200 50mm Sigma Macro Lens Hand held.

This was taken while walking at Lake Albert.

Camera Settings:  F8 Shutter Speed 1/80 ISO 200 50mm Sigma Macro Lens Hand held.

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